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Greenhouse: size, location, temperature & planting

Gewächshaus mit Blumen in Garten

All you need to know about greenhouses – our tips

With a greenhouse, you can enjoy your hobby gardener life all year with fresh vegetables from your own garden. There are plenty of possibilities of using a greenhouse. In summer, you can plant a lot and in winter, you are able to use it as an option for the overwintering of your plants. Greenhouses made of aluminium, foils, steel, polycarbonate sheets & co. not only offer protection from extreme weather conditions in winter, but also from heavy winds, hail or storms in summer. Find out what you have to keep in mind to achieve high yields:

Which greenhouse should be recommended? Greenhouse made of aluminium or foil?

If you are looking for a greenhouse, you will find many options: greenhouses made out of glass, aluminium and even foil. Greenhouses made of glass are not very common anymore, because it heats the inside too much and the material is too expensive and heavy. Mostly common today are aluminium greenhouses made of polycarbonate sheets, which offer a great isolation and still are cost-efficient and light. A greenhouse made of foil is especially good, if you are looking for a cost-efficient greenhouse. However, it is important to mention that foil is not very robust and does not isolate very well, which you will notice when using the greenhouse all over the year.

Did you know? Especially in the area of landscaping, there are many different construction and building methods of greenhouses. There are cabrio-greenhouses, which are able to telescope their roof surface, foil tunnels and dome greenhouses.


What is the right size for my greenhouse?

The choice of the greenhouse begins with the right size. There are different greenhouses in small and big, tall or low.

The size

Of course, the size of the greenhouse depends on the size of your garden, as well as the main use. In general, you need about 10 square metres for the supply of a four-person family.

If you do not have that much space in your garden, you can also switch to a taller greenhouse. Plus you can create extra acreage by using hanging baskets, shelves or hanging systems.

The height

In your greenhouse, you and your plants equally need space to erect. To be able to stand, the greenhouse should be about 1.60 m to 1.80 m high. Then also higher plants like tomatoes can rise up and will not have to be cut prematurely.

Our tip: If you wish to build your acreage upwards, you should take a greenhouse that is tall enough that the lower beds lay conveniently and are not shaded too much. Before you buy a growhouse, create a planting overview.

Did you know? A taller greenhouse does not have to bring higher heating costs. Through the larger space of heat emitting glazing, the temperature increases faster and the heat gets stored for a longer time.

What is the right location for a growhouse?

The optimal growth of plants depends on the choice of the greenhouse location. The greenhouse needs, depending on its model, a preferably sunny location and should not be located on the shadow side. It is perfect, if the roof ridge is oriented from east to west. Lean-to greenhouses or mini greenhouses should be oriented to south.

When do I plant which vegetable?

First of all, it is important to know when is the right time for planting your vegetables. This depends on the plant.

Spring: In the beginning of the year you best plant fast-growing and cold tolerant vegetables, such as lamb’s or leaf lettuce, rocket, red or white radish. In March, you can grow herbs, spinach, swiss chard, tomatoes or pumpkins.

Summer: In May, you can start to plant thermophilic vegetables, which will be harvested in late summer – like tomatoes, eggplants, pepper, cucumber, melons or zucchini. In June, you can start to harvest the first load of herbs and lettuce. You can then use the new space to plant again. For that, runner beans and winter endives are suitable.

Autumn: In September, you can plant autumn crops and late sowing, for instance root vegetable, such as red radish and carrots, as well as lettuce.

Winter: In the winter months (October), you should not plant new vegetables in your greenhouse. Use the free space to shelter your plants from your garden or your balcony in buckets.

If you stick to this plan, you can get vegetables from your own garden all year. If you do not consume all of it, you can easily freeze the fresh vegetables.


What soil should I use and how do I fertilize correctly?

You can get finished greenhouse soil or vegetable soil in your local hardware store. However, with the right fertilizer, normal potting soil should be enough. Keep in mind to always loosen the soil sufficiently. This is important, so that the water can spread and the soil will not be soaking wet. That is how your plants get the optimal supply of liquid and waterlogging will be prevented. To fertilize the greenhouse, you should not use artificial fertilizers. Instead, use bark mulch or coconut soil. These are natural elements, which give your plants many nutrients.


What is the right temperature inside the greenhouse?

The optimal temperature in your greenhouse should amount about 30 degree Celsius. Check the temperature with a thermometer, which should be placed at the height of the plants in the shadow.

Especially in summer, you have to pay attention, so that the heat will not exceed the maximum temperature. Then you need to focus on the ventilation system and the watering system: Make sure to air the greenhouse regularly to allow the humidity to escape and to water your plants sufficiently. Many greenhouses – also Deuba greenhouses – are equipped with practical roof windows. In addition, the greenhouse walls are equipped with windows to provide a nice air circulation and prevent heat accumulation. 


Is it possible to heat a greenhouse?

Yes, you can. However, this is not recommended with domestic plants, for instance tomatoes. If you like exotic plants, such as orchids or cactuses, you should think of having a greenhouse heater. There are various methods of heating: electro, gas, petroleum, solar or wood. The two last methods are the most eco-friendly ones. To heat controlled, you should get your heating energy calculated by a professional. 

Did you know? If you want to get a greenhouse heater you should have in mind, that from 2039 on it is intended to only use renewable energies to heat. So it would be better to already switch to an eco-friendly method.